Myrtle, the beloved green sea turtle residing at the New England Aquarium in Boston, has once again captured the hearts of visitors as she undergoes her bi-annual health examination. At an impressive age of up to 95 years old, Myrtle’s enduring presence has made her an emblem of the aquarium’s legacy, drawing crowds and admiration for her resilience.
During her recent health assessment, Myrtle’s examination process was meticulously orchestrated by a team of dedicated veterinarians. Weighing a remarkable 500 pounds, she was carefully lifted from the depths of the aquarium’s Giant Ocean Tank to undergo a thorough assessment. With the gaze of numerous spectators upon her, Myrtle underwent a comprehensive examination, showcasing robust health and vitality despite her advanced age.
Following the examination, which included ultrasound and weight measurements, Myrtle returned to her oceanic abode in the aquarium’s tank, where she resumed her daily routine of feasting on lettuce and cabbage. Her significance extends beyond her longevity, serving as an ambassador for her species and evoking nostalgic memories for visitors who have grown up admiring her over the decades.
Myrtle’s companions, Carolina and Retread, also received their health evaluations alongside her. As endangered species, green sea turtles face conservation challenges, making Myrtle’s resilience and thriving health all the more significant. Despite these challenges, the aquarium staff’s diligent care ensures the well-being of Myrtle and her fellow inhabitants.
As Myrtle returns to her oceanic realm, her legacy serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of conservation efforts in preserving marine life. With her enduring presence, Myrtle continues to inspire millions, reinforcing the significance of protecting our planet’s natural wonders for future generations.