Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has announced the upcoming premiere of “Hope in the Water,” a transformative docuseries set to air in Summer 2024. The three-part series, produced by Emmy Award-winning David E. Kelley in collaboration with Chef Andrew Zimmern’s Intuitive Content, delves into innovative blue food solutions worldwide, addressing both ecological balance and global waterways.
Kelley, renowned for his storytelling prowess, emphasizes the series’ mission to envision a planet where ecological harmony and food abundance coexist. In partnership with environmental activists Shailene Woodley, Martha Stewart, José Andrés, and Baratunde Thurston, “Hope in the Water” unveils the hidden costs of the climate crisis, irresponsible fishing, and habitat destruction.
The docuseries spotlights stories of visionaries, aquafarmers, and fishers driving initiatives for a sustainable future. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Brian Peter Falk, the series is part of a broader multi-year impact campaign led by Fed by Blue, a nonprofit focused on fostering a responsible blue food system.
Jennifer Bushman, co-founder of Fed by Blue, expresses pride in contributing to essential conversations about water protection and production aligned with the future of food. “Hope in the Water” aligns with PBS’ Climate, Nature, & Our Planet initiative, examining the multifaceted impacts of the climate crisis and exploring intersections with conservation, biodiversity, and the ecosystem.
As part of its exploration of innovative solutions, the series will delve into aquaculture, showcasing how sustainable practices in fish farming contribute to a responsible and resilient blue food system.